Where Can I Donate a Used Cpap Machine

If y'all have a CPAP car that y'all no longer utilise or need, you may be looking for the best manner to become rid of it. Should you donate a CPAP machine, sell it, or simply throw it out? Throwing information technology out is not a smashing option since this is a costly machine that could aid someone else, merely what are your options? Here is a closer look at what y'all can do with a used CPAP machine to continue it out of the dumpster and potentially exercise some practiced for someone else.

Consider Your Motivation for Selling

First, before we look at where you tin sell or donate your CPAP, consider why you lot are getting rid of it. Exercise you find it uncomfortable? Did you get tired of using the CPAP mask or wonder if it is really working? CPAP is the nearly constructive manner to treat sleep apnea, and when you employ it you volition feel more than rested throughout the mean solar day, volition snore less, and will wake less during the night.

But learning to employ CPAP equipment takes fourth dimension. It tin accept several months to start feeling the benefits, and that is only with consistent, nightly employ. If you give up also early, you may be losing out on the benefits of the device earlier they fifty-fifty have a take chances to boot in. It can have several months before you lot discover the full do good of CPAP.

If you lot just feel that CPAP is not working for you, don't surrender! It may exist that you are experiencing one of the many mutual bug with this therapy. Have some time to troubleshoot to see if yous tin bask the total benefits of your therapy.

Call up, treating slumber apnea is not but then yous will feel more rested. Treating this unsafe status helps keep your eye salubrious and can improve diabetes control for diabetic patients. Sadly, only near 60 percent of those who demand CPAP therapy actually employ their machines nightly. Don't exist ane of these statistics.

However if yous do find yourself with a CPAP auto that you don't need, these are your options for getting rid of it.

Four Options for Used CPAP Machines

If y'all accept a used CPAP automobile, you accept iv bones options for it. If y'all're continuing to employ CPAP therapy, consider saving it equally a spare machine. This will ensure you lot never miss a night of therapy, even if something happens to your principal machine.

If you do not wish to keep it, you can sell it. However, information technology is not legal to sell a CPAP motorcar to someone who does not have a valid prescription1 for it, because these are medical devices. While you may be able to discover people selling on Craigslist, for instance, this is not the all-time route considering it's technically illegal.

Though people who cannot afford their device but need a CPAP car will look on Craigslist, the machines sold here may or may not work properly, the seller may non post accurate listing information, and the machine may not be fix to the correct manner or pressure level.

On Ebay, you can only sell CPAP machines if you accept FDA approvalii to exercise so, which would non utilise to most people selling a used device. If you are looking to sell a used CPAP, yous will need to get through an authorized reseller who will sell to individuals with prescriptions, rather than trying to sell on the open market.

A third option is to recycle the CPAP. If your device is broken, this is the best mode to keep it out of the landfill. Keep in mind that many broken CPAP machines tin can be fixed, so consider all of your options before recycling your device.

The 4th, and potentially best, selection is to donate the device. Donating your CPAP machine will get it out of your home, give y'all a tax do good, and allow you lot to help someone who needs sleep apnea treatment only may not be able to afford it. Hither is a closer look at how and where you can donate your used CPAP motorcar.

Why Donate CPAP Machines?

Every year, thousands of people with sleep apnea do not get handling because they cannot afford a CPAP. Some of these individuals have no insurance, while others have insurance with high deductibles that make it impossible to afford the device. Even more people suffer because their insurance companies deny their coverage for CPAP.

If you have a CPAP machine you aren't using, you can help some of these people who cannot afford one past donating gently used equipment to organizations that offer lower-priced CPAP machines to people in demand.

Where to Donate a CPAP Machine

When looking for a identify to donate, be careful about the arrangement you choose. Some charitable organizations3, like Goodwill, will not practise anything with your CPAP, just will simply destroy it.

Wait for organizations that specifically deal with sleep disorders, animate weather condition, and lung conditions. Yous can besides discuss your donation with companies that accept durable medical equipment donations. Brand sure the arrangement cleans and inspects the devices and either gives them to individuals who need them or sells them at a deeply reduced price.

This volition ensure that your device is able to help someone in demand. Finally, cull an organization that is a registered charity, so y'all are confident they are not looking to make a profit off of your donation.

Some skilful options to consider include these:

  • Exhale California of the Bay Area
  • The Reggie White Slumber Disorders and Research Foundation
  • American Sleep Apnea Association
  • Advocates for World Health
  • Durable Medical Equipment Aid Society

Each of these organizations has its own requirements for donation. Some will require you lot to pay the shipping fees, but all will provide you with a donation letter that will let yous to write off the donation on your revenue enhancement render. This is an added perk that you will enjoy as you lot relish the benefit of knowing you helped save someone'south health and potentially their life with your used machine.

If you lot would prefer to go on your donation local, consider reaching out to your local homeless shelter, food pantry, or churches in your area to see if they know of someone who needs help. It is non illegal to give your lightly used motorcar to another person, simply practise make sure that they actually demand it or have a prescription for it. Remember, CPAP machines are medical devices and they should non exist used without the direction of a doctor.

CPAP therapy is an constructive way to treat the dangerous status of sleep apnea. If you accept a CPAP auto that you are no longer using, consider using it to exist a blessing to someone else through donation. Past donating your auto, you continue it out of the landfill, avoid the legalities of selling it, and give someone less fortunate a new lease on life!


1. Doyle, Katherine. "Online Market Offers Cheaper CPAP Machines Without a Prescription" Reuters. Aug. 8, 2016. Accessed on Mar. 19, 2019.

2. "Bully NEWS CPAP MACHINES Immune TO SELL NOW" Thread from EBay forum. Jul. 14, 2013. Accessed on Mar. nineteen, 2019

three. "What to do with your quondam CPAP motorcar?" Thread on CPAPtalk.com forum. Feb 11, 2016. Accessed on Mar. xix, 2019.


Source: https://www.cpap.com/blog/donate-used-cpap-machine/

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