Nabe Process with Asahi improves flexographic plates

Nabe Process
Japanese Printing Company Nabe Process, improves efficiency with Asahi Photoproducts AWP flexographic plates.

Asahi Photoproducts, a pioneer in flexographic photopolymer plate development, today reported that Nabe Process a major Japanese printing company, has tested Asahi'southward AWP CleanPrint water-washable flexographic plates against conventional solvent-based plates to mensurate differences in quality and productivity between the two. The AWP plates, which were made with CrystalCleanConnect, demonstrated a significant comeback in print quality and productivity compared to the conventional solvent-developed flexographic plate. CrystalCleanConnect is a brand-new offering jointly adult by Asahi Photoproducts and ESKO that automates the platemaking process, reducing steps from 17 to 1 and dramatically reducing potential for mistake.

According to Nabe Process, the examination was conducted using actual customer piece of work, and all times and steps were carefully documented. Information technology was notable that the Asahi AWP plates had splendid ink transfer, which contributed to the overall improved quality and fewer press stops for plate cleaning and other quality bug.

The design called past Nabe Process, for this test contains fine highlights. To obtain the required quality with solvent-based plates, the press had to be stopped several times during the run to forbid such things as ink filling. This was not the instance with the Asahi AWP water-washable plates which offer CleanPrint technology, originally developed past Asahi in order to improve the ink transfer from the plate surface to the printed material.

Yasuo Naka, general manager of Flexography Partition, Nabe Process, commented "From this outcome, we were able to ostend that we can evangelize more stable and college quality printed products to our customers using Asahi'due south AWP water-washable plates. With the conventional solvent plate, we besides had more difficulty in the printing process due to mis-registration during press.

With the Asahi AWP plates, however, that problem is resolved and productivity is dramatically improved. We are very happy with the operation of the AWP plates equally a result. In addition, in the spring of 2021, we installed CrystalCleanConnect, a fully automated plate-making device jointly developed by Asahi and ESKO. That has added to our overall quality and productivity, getting plates to press much faster, with less operator engagement time and with less opportunity for error. Based on these results, we are converting all of our flexographic plates to Asahi AWP water-washable CleanPrint plates, and we know our customers volition exist fifty-fifty more delighted than ever with the quality they receive from usa."

Nabe process
CrystalCleanConnect, a world-beginning fully automated flexographic platemaking solution jointly developed by Asahi Photoproducts and ESKO.

Yuzo Fujiki, main technology officer, press solution project, of Asahi Kasei Corporation, commented, "We were pleased to work with Nabe Process on this project to validate the fantabulous plate performance of our AWP water-washable plates in terms of both impress quality and productivity. And we are thrilled that Nabe Procedure has chosen to create even more than efficiency past installing the first CrystalCleanConnect organisation in the world, the industry's first fully automated water-washable plate-making device, adult in collaboration with ESKO. As nosotros continue to work with forward-thinking companies similar Nabe Process, we volition also be working toward continouos comeback of print quality besides every bit keeping sustainability summit of mind."

Asahi's CleanPrint flexographic printing plate has excellent ink transfer from the plate surface to the substrate, resulting in less ink remaining on the plate surface during and subsequently press compared with conventional solvent-based plates, dramatically reducing the number of printing stops required for plate cleaning. In improver, the plate making process is water-based, using not-VOC based chemicals. And with the CrystalCleanConnect solution, which delivers prepare-to-mount plates with the push of a button, platemaking time and labor is too dramatically reduced, resulting in a more efficient and price-effective flexographic printing functioning. For more information nigh Asahi AWP CleanPrint water-washable flexograhic plates, CrystalCleanConnect and other products and services from Asahi.

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